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Girbau North America

Commercial Laundry Washers Dryers and Ironers

2500 State Rd. 44
Oshkosh, WI 54904
Toll Free: 800-256-1073
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Continental E-Series ExpressWash Washer-Extractors deliver unmatched energy efficiency to return dollars to your bottom line. Advanced engineering brings high-speed performance, a simple-to-install freestanding design, unmatched durability, exclusive features and the ultimate in programmability to vended laundries. ExpressWash High-Performance Card- and Coin-Operated Commercial Washing Machines are available in 20-, 30-, 40-, 60-, 80- and 90-pound capacities.

EH020 - 20lb Capacity Washer
EH030 - 30lb Capacity Washer
EH040 - 40lb Capacity Washer
EH060 - 60lb Capacity Washer
EH080 - 80lb Capacity Washer
EH090 - 90lb Capacity Washer
EH130 - 130lb Capacity Washer

CAD Drawings for ExpressWash Card- & Coin-Operated Washer-Extractors
E Series EH020 Washer
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E Series EH030 Washer
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E Series EH040 Washer
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E Series EH060 back
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E Series EH060 left
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E Series EH060 right
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E Series EH130 Tilt Washer
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