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Green / LEED Building Resources

Green / LEED Building Resources - Architectural building green web sites, consultants and other online resources.


LEED - What is LEED?
Green Building Expo - Trade show about green building and the LEED green building rating system organized by U.S. Green Building


U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) - The U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Web site provides information on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
EPA Green Buildings - Designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining buildings involves large amounts of energy, water, and other resources and creates significant amounts of waste.
Clean Cities - Programs, funding opportunities and legislation on clean cities in the United States.


2010imperative - Web-cast - NY web-cast broadcast addressing global warming and climate change.
Appliances - upgrade? - increase efficiency by updating an old energy hog
BREEAM certification - a sustainability standard, recognized and adopted in 89 countries.
Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) - Strategies for livable communities
Ecomedes - Driving Sustainable Enterprises
Green Globes - A revolutionary building environmental design and management tool.
Green Progress - Provides current news and resources on environmental technology and green innovations.
Hugg - User generated Green news. Popular stories are voted to the top of the home page.
HPD Collaborative - HPD Public Repository.
Inhabitat - Blog devoted to the future of design, tracking the innovations in technology, practices and materials that are pushing architecture and home design towards a smarter and more sustainable future.
mindful MATERIALS - links to HPDs, Declare labels, C2C certifications, and other documents to specific products.
NAHBGreen - help builders, remodelers and developers build green through educational resources, advocacy tools, a credible green standard, and referrals to a national green home certification system.
New Buildings Institute - Promotes improved energy performance in commercial new construction.
Solar Resource Guide - Helpful solar power energy resources for homeowners across America.


Green Ideas - Green Building Consulting for Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Building Owners, and Green Product Manufacturers.
Green Building Services, Inc - Professional consulting firm helping clients successfully adopt green building and facility management practices.