What is a health product declaration?
An HPD certicate describes how the building products and their components
and materials will the effect health of the folks that use the building.
Why are HPDs important?
An HPD allows AEC professional select building products based on the data
showing health impacts of construction products. This data is also used to
determine LEED and other certification status for a building.
How to get a health product declaration and certification?
Yes, the process is complicated, time consuming and expense. But, there are
HPD consultants
that can help with every step of the building product health certification
The process for creating an environmental product declaration
Determine who with work on what building product certifications
Gathering data needed for the HPDs can be done by the engineers or you can
hire an
HPD Consultant.
Gather Product Data
Data will need to be aquired for all components and materials and substances
that comprise the product.
Gather Supplier Component / Material Data
The more difficult and time consuming part of data gathering is working with
your compent and material suppliers. HPDs need to account for every bit of
the building product. If you have suppliers of any of these materials and
components, their data also needs to be gathered and accounted for. This
will lengthen the time and effort needed to complete the HPD.
Create HPD and make it available to the AECs that need it
HPD Collaboration
has a very helpful tool for this step - the
HPD Builder Tool
which they liken to a online tax prep tool. And, this tool can be used by a
consultant if that is the path you take.
If you already have your specs on Arcat, you can list your new HPD in this
section of the site.
You simply email us the PDF and we'll make your new health product
declaration available 24/7/365 to all AEC professionals when product
selection is underway.
To find out more
make your HPD available to AECs worldwide.