Divided-cylinder washer-extractors and divided-cylinder Staph-Guard® washer-extractors feature the MilTouch™ control, an advanced microprocessor which offers 100 wash formulas (98 programmable). Self-diagnostics reduce downtime.
Divided-cylinder washer-extractors have two pockets for faster loading and loading, accurate temperature controls for precision, and RinSave® water saver for efficienct use of resources.
StaphGuard® washer-extractors have an air circulation system to prevent cross-contamination in healthcare barrier laundries.
*Energy Star's definition of a commercial clothes washer is a capacity up to 8.0cf3. All divided cylinder and Staph-Guard washer-extractors exceed this capacity and are therefore outside of the scope of Energy Star.
Commercial Laundry: Washers: 42044 SP2
Commercial Laundry: Washers: 60044 SP2
Commercial Laundry: Washers: 72044 SP2