Installer: Blackdog Builders (Nashua, NH)
Location: Weare, New Hampshire
Design Challenge(s): This homeowner wanted a railing system that allowed for an unimpeded view of their backyard and the lake below.
Solution: The clients decided to go with the Latitude Cable Railing system. The Latitude Cable Railing System features stainless steel posts, stainless steel horizontal cable railing infill and a customer supplied hardwood top rail.
Result: The railing provides a completely uninterrupted view from the deck and inside of the home, which was the ultimate goal of the entire project. The cable rail system allows for the deck space with the exposed truss feel even more open than if a traditional railing was used in its place. This creates a feeling of being on a lookout stretching out over the water, and for a family who spends much of their free time on their boat, this was a perfect fit.