The GranTrap™ granulated rubber bullet trap: The best design technology for bullet capture and containment. Our GranTrap's patented stair-step design uses GranTex™ granulate rubber material to stop incoming rounds. The bullet impacts the soft media and the trap captures it predominately intact, minimizing airborne lead dust, averting backsplatter and ricochet, and reducing impact noise. This means a cleaner, safer environment for indoor shooting ranges, maximizing bullet recovery and recycling processes.
We designed the stainless steel, outdoor GranTrap to withstand harsh environmental conditions, preventing corrosion with extensive exposure to sunlight, heat, moisture or chemicals. A lightweight plastic mesh screen can be added to the GranTrap to captures bullets, advert back spatter and prevent ricochet. It also minimizes broken lead particles and improves noise reduction. In short, the GranTrap safely de-energizes and captures bullets intact, providing little to no lead dust or bullet fragmentation.
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