Many manufacturers have specialized equipment or parts of their equipment that require special environmental conditions to operate or that process something requiring a controlled environment. Air Innovations solves challenges related to temperature control, humidity regulation, and filtration in a way that helps manufacturers differentiate themselves from their competition.
We can accommodate nearly any environmental process control need in nearly any industry.
Our specialty HVAC environmental process control solutions can be found around the world in a wide variety of applications. We've designed custom climate control solutions for scanning equipment for homeland security, desiccant humidity conditions and temperature control within medical equipment, explosion-proof temperature-regulated systems in gas-emitting environments, and a variety of other climate control solutions. (See our case studies for some specific environmental control solutions we have created).
Every process control solution we develop is designed to meet our client's precise specifications in packaging and performance. Here are some specifics:
Temperature – Control tolerances as precise as +/- 0.01°C
Humidity – Control tolerances to +/- 0.5%
DX, chilled water, or thermoelectric capabilities
Broad filtration capabilities – HEPA, ULPA, molecular