The Prevectron can be designed to all applicable installation standards
French Standard NF C 17-102
Spain's Standard U N E 21186
Yugoslavian Standard JUS N.B4.810
Slovakian Standard STN 34-1391
Romanian Standard I-20
Argentina IRAM 2426
Macedonia MKS N.B4 810
Portugal NP 4426
Fewer Prevectrons are required which means minimal roof penetrations and less roof mounted equipment. A Franklin system will basically be destroyed during re-roofingwhere a Prevectron system requires little or no displacement and may remain in service.
The Prevectron has 95% fewer parts than a Franklin system that can be disconnected, removed, or damaged by HVAC, window washers, roofers, or other maintenance personnel.
Prevectron installations eliminate the OSHA recognized risk of impalement posed by the pointed roof mounted lightning rod.