ACHILLES vertical louvers are very popular for architectural screen enclosures and rooftop screening when designers and architects want to match an existing design. PalmSHIELD recognizes roof panels and building eaves have a vertical pattern in panel ribbing or ridges. Where the louvered screening aligns closely to roofing and eaves, designers want to continue this pattern for a consistent look.
The challenge with a vertical louver design is that using traditional single profile louvers will not consistently provide the necessary screening. PalmSHIELD has overcome this challenge by using a double profile vertical louver design. At any angle, you have 100% coverage yet still maintain good air flow. The louvers may be adjusted to increase air flow and establish some visibility or to allow light to pass.
Vertical louver designs often span considerable heights. PalmSHIELD's ACHILLES overcomes this challenge by incorporating a significant structural louver design thus eliminating the need for a horizontal braces that break-up the appeal of long vertical lines.
Screening Louver Assembly: Array: Achilles