Potenza Stone Inc.

Replications of Real Rock Elements

Morongo Valley, CA 92256
Phone: 503-939-7154
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Potenza is committed to treating each installation as a reflection of natural geomorphology and biology. 

We begin by committing the design to reality with detailed hand sculpting by talented artists and GFRC panelized products that are backfilled with grout to insure a solid, rock like feel. 

Panelizing gives the most flexibility to a concept, allowing more options for build out. Artistry continues on site to give a monolithic detail to the overall feature.  

We also like to include irrigated bio-pockets in the design. These are areas that allow planting of natural plants usually present in nature's water features. Ferns, grasses, and native shrubs all add authenticity. 

Details are not only about how things look up close, but about how the overall design tells a story of the effects of powerful seismic forces, weathering, erosion, and time. The result is an authentic installation that is difficult to distinguish from nature.

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The titles" artificial rock" or "artificial trees" don't seem to fit this degree of quality.

All Potenza products are replications of real rock elements and formations.  Columbia River basalt (both face and columnar), various granite forms, as well as unique appointments such as tree stumps, and structural elements such as beams and components of “ruins" are all used when called for.

Architectural Replications:  including mold making of original piece,  GFRC castings shipped to location, install ready!


Potenza Details  

Potenza is committed to treating each installation as a reflection of natural geomorphology and biology. 

We begin by committing the design to reality with detailed hand sculpting by talented artists and GFRC panelized products that are backfilled with grout to insure a solid, rock like feel. 

Panelizing gives the most flexibility to a concept, allowing more options for build out. Artistry continues on site to give a monolithic detail to the overall feature.  

We also like to include irrigated bio-pockets in the design. These are areas that allow planting of natural plants usually present in nature's water features. Ferns, grasses, and native shrubs all add authenticity. 

Details are not only about how things look up close, but about how the overall design tells a story of the effects of powerful seismic forces, weathering, erosion, and time. The result is an authentic installation that is difficult to distinguish from nature.

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Clients Are Rewarded  

Reward is there for both Potenza Stone and our clients. Our clients are rewarded with a thorough consultation that begins with a complete understanding of your goals and expectations. We guarantee your project is completed on time, on budget and according to your preferences.

We are likely to go beyond scope with creative touches that are over and above to make the project speak to it's intended effect. These are included in our creative approach and do not impact budget. Client requested adds to scope of project that impact budget are always discussed prior to execution. Our reward is leaving a project with pride, effort, and another happy client on our roster

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Photo Gallery  

Interactive waterfall,   diving rocks,  concrete stump for divers balance and concrete handrails. Freestanding long waterslide. 

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This feature was built over an existing in-use pool,  floating pool protection and scaffold were used.

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Interactive waterfall,   diving rocks,  concrete stump for divers balance and concrete handrails. Freestanding long waterslide. 

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Project Gallery  

Selected site for:Wilderness Hot Springs

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Rated 5 based on 1 product reviews

This insulated feature is completely off the grid, with 5 venturi jets, led lighting and perfectly heated water !

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Rated 5 based on 1 product reviews

Placement of 40 mil pond liner 

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Rated 5 based on 1 product reviews

Concrete sculpted and stained to match indigenous bedrock Granite 

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Rated 5 based on 1 product reviews