BlockFlash® is the perfect flashing system for exterior single wythe C.M.U. walls designed without a visible drip edge. It cuts labor and material costs associated with using membrane flashing in a multi-wythe course by approximately 50%.
BlockFlash® uses patented flashing pans to collect moisture in the wall and channel it to the exterior through integrated weep spouts. Its included 90% open drainage mesh provides hundreds of clear pathways for water to flow around mortar droppings inside the block cells so it can be collected by the pans. Factory-installed insect guards in the weep spouts keep insects out of the block cells.
Used wherever flashing is necessary, including at the base of the wall, in parapet walls and over wall openings and bond beams. Available for 8", 10", and 12" standard or insulated concrete masonry units.
(Formerly known as "Blok-Flash".)
BlockFlash® Technical Data
BlockFlash® Fact Sheet
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