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fire suppression sprinkler systems CAD:

ARCAT Free Architectural CAD drawings, blocks and details for download in dwg and pdf formats for use with AutoCAD and other 2D and 3D design software. By downloading and using any ARCAT content you agree to the following [license agreement].

TSW03121 - 3 HR. Fire Rating Horizontal Joint Fastening - Horizontal

TSW03121 - 3 Hr. Fire Rating Horizontal Joint Fastneing - 8" ThermalSafe Panel

TSW10001 - 3 Hr. Fire Rating Joint Fastening 8" ThermalSafe Panel

DSI-A4HR - Accordion Detail - View

DSI-A4HR - Accordion Detail - Plan View

UL 10D DSI - DSI C1HR and DSI C3HR - Head Option 1, Face Mount - Flush to Ceiling

UL 10D DSI - DSI C1HR and DSI C3HR - Head Option 1, Unistrut Mount - Flush to Ceiling - Unistrut

1437-558 - Synlawn Class A Fire Roofdeck System

Tactical Firing Range

DL - Dual Bullet and Fire Resistant Door and Frame
