Meets the requirements of ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 2, Grade 3
Closed Cell Polyisocyanurate Foam Core: Closed cell polyisocyanurate foam technology provides additional insulation value with lightweight and low water absorption characteristics.
Inorganic Coated Glass Facers: (With no cellulose) Provide improved resistance to mold growth, as well as a smooth surface that performs well with self-adhering systems, and efficient adhesive application in adhered single ply systems.
High R-Value (2.9 R): Has more than two times the R-value of wood fiber and more than four times the R-value of gypsum boards.
User Friendly: Allows easy and efficient scoring, cutting and snapping which permits fast, tight fabrication and all in a low dust environment.
Lightweight: Offers labor and installation efficiencies and allows more options for situations where the overall weight is a concern. This also means easy hoisting, staging and maneuvering around the roof.
Up to 50% Fewer Fasteners: Achieves FM 1-90 utilizing 8 fasteners per 4'x8'boardwithanadhered reinforcedmembraneand11fastnersper 4'x 8' board with an adhered non-reinforced membrane over a min. 22 ga steel deckorstructuralconcretedeck.